Caterpillar Tracked pavers AP 655 D
Last updated: 22.04.2024
Forklift ID: 3535/47232
37,984 GBP
Price excl. VAT
Dealer price
Ready to use and fully operational

Machine Data

Make Caterpillar

Type Tracked pavers

Model AP 655 D

Year n/a

Running hours n/a

Max. weight allowed 19,000 kg

More information

Location Roelofarendsveen

Extra comments

== Weitere Informationen (DE) ==

Allgemeine Informationen
Baujahr: 2011
Verwendungszweck: Bauwesen
Verwendbares Material: Asphalt
Seriennummer: CATAP655CGNN00246

Motormarke: Caterpillar C6.6

Arbeitsbreite: 700 cm

Allgemeiner Zustand: sehr gut
Technischer Zustand: sehr gut
Optischer Zustand: sehr gut

Weitere Informationen
Lieferbedingungen: EXW
Transportabmessungen (L x B x H): 1x0x0

Weitere Informationen
Wenden Sie sich an Kick Hogeboom oder Kick Hogeboom, um weitere Informationen zu erhalten.

== Flere oplysninger (DK) ==

Generelle oplysninger
Produktionsår: 2011
Anvendelsesområde: Konstruktion
Gældende materiale: Asfalt
Serienummer: CATAP655CGNN00246

Motorfabrikat: Caterpillar C6.6

Arbejdsbredde: 700 cm

Overordnet stand: meget god
Teknisk stand: meget god
Visuelt udseende: meget god

Yderligere oplysninger
Kontakt Kick Hogeboom eller Kick Hogeboom for yderligere oplysninger

== More details (EN) ==

General information
Year of manufacture: 2011
Field of application: Construction
Applicable material: Asphalt
Serial number: CATAP655CGNN00246

Make of engine: Caterpillar C6.6

Working width: 700 cm

General condition: very good
Technical condition: very good
Visual appearance: very good

Other information
Delivery terms: EXW
Transport dimensions (LxWxH): 1x0x0

Additional information
Please contact Kick Hogeboom or Kick Hogeboom for more information

== Información adicional (ES) ==

Información general
Año de fabricación: 2011
Ámbito de aplicación: Construcción
Material de aplicación: Asfalto
Número de serie: CATAP655CGNN00246

Cadena cinemática
Marca motor: Caterpillar C6.6

Anchura de trabajo: 700 cm

Estado general: muy bueno
Estado técnico: muy bueno
Estado óptico: muy bueno

Información adicional
Terminos de entrega: EXW
Dimensiones de transporte (LaxAnxAl): 1x0x0

Información complementaria
Póngase en contacto con Kick Hogeboom o Kick Hogeboom para obtener más información.

== Informations supplémentaires (FR) ==

Informations générales
Année de construction: 2011
Domaine d'application: Construction
Matériel d'application: Asphalte
Numéro de série: CATAP655CGNN00246

Marque moteur: Caterpillar C6.6

Largeur de travail: 700 cm

État général: très bon
État technique: très bon
État optique: très bon

Autres informations
Conditions de livraison: EXW
Dimensions du volume de transport (L x l x H): 1x0x0

Informations complémentaires
Veuillez contacter Kick Hogeboom ou Kick Hogeboom pour plus d'informations

== Overige details (NL) ==

Hoogte regeling
verbreding 2* 1.00 meter

Standard paving width 5.00 meter
Extensions 2*1.00 meter = Total 7.00 meter !!

= Meer informatie =

Algemene informatie
Bouwjaar: 2011
Toepassingsgebied: Bouw
Toepassingsmateriaal: Asfalt
Serienummer: CATAP655CGNN00246

Merk motor: Caterpillar C6.6

Werkbreedte: 700 cm

Algemene staat: zeer goed
Technische staat: zeer goed
Optische staat: zeer goed

Overige informatie
Leveringsvoorwaarden: EXW
Afmetingen (LxBxH) (m): 1x0x0

Meer informatie
Neem voor meer informatie contact op met Kick Hogeboom of Kick Hogeboom

== Dodatkowy opis (PL) ==

Informacje ogólne
Rok produkcji: 2011
Obszar zastosowania: Budownictwo
Zastosowany materiał: Asfalt
Numer serii: CATAP655CGNN00246

Układ napędowy
Marka silnika: Caterpillar C6.6

Szerokość robocza: 700 cm

Stan ogólny: bardzo dobrze
Stan techniczny: bardzo dobrze
Stan wizualny: bardzo dobrze

Informacje dodatkowe
Aby uzyskać więcej informacji, należy skontaktować się z Kick Hogeboom lub Kick Hogeboom

== Informação adicional (PT) ==

Informações gerais
Ano de fabrico: 2011
Campo de aplicação: Construção
Material aplicável: Asfalto
Número de série: CATAP655CGNN00246

Marca do motor: Caterpillar C6.6

Largura de trabalho: 700 cm

Estado geral: muito bom
Estado técnico: muito bom
Aspeto visual: muito bom

Informações adicionais
Contacte Kick Hogeboom ou Kick Hogeboom para obter mais informações

== Дополнительная информация (RU) ==

Общая информация
Год выпуска: 2011
Область применения: Строительство
Используемый материал: Асфальт
Серийный номер: CATAP655CGNN00246

Силовая линия
Марка двигателя: Caterpillar C6.6

Рабочая ширина: 700 cm

Общее состояние: очень хорошее
Техническое состояние: очень хорошее
Внешнее состояние: очень хорошее

Дополнительная информация
Свяжитесь с Kick Hogeboom или Kick Hogeboom для получения дополнительной информации

(Message Translation):
u003du003d Further information (DE) u003du003d

General information
Year of construction: 2011
Intended use: construction
Applicable material: asphalt
Serial number: CATAP655CGNN00246

Engine brand: Caterpillar C6.6

Working width: 700 cm

General condition: very good
Technical condition: very good
Visual condition: very good

Further information
Delivery terms: EXW
Transport dimensions (L x W x H): 1x0x0

Further information
Contact Kick Hogeboom or Kick Hogeboom for more information.

u003du003d Flere oplysninger (DK) u003du003d

General oplysninger
Production year: 2011
Anvendelsesområde: Construction
Gældende materials: Asfalt
Serial number: CATAP655CGNN00246

Engine make: Caterpillar C6.6

Arbejdsbredde: 700 cm

was standing
The overriding word was: meget god
Teknisk said: meget god
Visuelt udseende: meget god

Yderligere oplysninger
Contact Kick Hogeboom eller Kick Hogeboom for yderligere oplysninger

u003du003d More details (EN) u003du003d

General information
Year of manufacture: 2011
Field of application: Construction
Applicable material: asphalt
Serial number: CATAP655CGNN00246

Drive train
Make of engine: Caterpillar C6.6

Working width: 700cm

General condition: very good
Technical condition: very good
Visual appearance: very good

Other information
Delivery terms: EXW
Transport dimensions (LxWxH): 1x0x0

additional information
Please contact Kick Hogeboom or Kick Hogeboom for more information

u003du003dAdditional information (ES) u003du003d

General information
Year of manufacture: 2011
Ámbito de aplicación: Construcción
Material of application: Asfalto
Series number: CATAP655CGNN00246

Cadena cinematica
Brand engine: Caterpillar C6.6

Anchura de trabajo: 700 cm

Estado general: muy bueno
Technical level: good luck
Estado óptico: muy bueno

Additional information
Entrega terms: EXW
Transport dimensions (LaxAnxAl): 1x0x0

Complementary information
Póngase en contacto con Kick Hogeboom or Kick Hogeboom for more information.

u003du003d Information supplements (FR) u003du003d

General information
Année de construction: 2011
Domaine d'application: Construction
Material of application: Asphalte
Series number: CATAP655CGNN00246

Brand engine: Caterpillar C6.6

Large size of work: 700 cm

État general: très bon
État technique: très bon
État optic: très bon

Other information
Conditions of delivery: EXW
Transport volume dimensions (L x L x H): 1x0x0

Complementary information
Veuillez contacter Kick Hogeboom or Kick Hogeboom for plus d'informations

u003du003d Overview details (NL) u003du003d

Hoogte regeling
verbeding 2* 1.00 meters

Standard paving width 5.00 meters
Extensions 2*1.00 meters u003d Total 7.00 meters!!

u003d Sea information u003d

General information
Bouwjaar: 2011
Toepassing area: Bouw
Toepassingsmateriaal: Asfalt
Serial number: CATAP655CGNN00246

Note engine: Caterpillar C6.6

Working width: 700 cm

Algemene state: zeer goed
Technical state: zeer goed
Optical state: zeer goed

Additional information
Leveringsvoorwaarden: EXW
Afmetingen (LxWxH) (m): 1x0x0

Sea information
There is no need for more information to contact the Kick Hogeboom of Kick Hogeboom

u003du003d Dodatkowy opis (PL) u003du003d

Informacje ogólne
Rok production: 2011
Obszar zastosowania: Budownictwo
Zastosowany materiał: asphalt
Number series: CATAP655CGNN00246

Układ napędowy
Marka silnika: Caterpillar C6.6

Szerokość robocza: 700 cm

Stan ogolny: bardzo dobrze
Stan techniczny: bardzo dobrze
Stan wizualny: bardzo dobrze

Informacje dodatkowe
If you want to know more information, you can also see the Kick Hogeboom and Kick Hogeboom

u003du003d Adicional Information (PT) u003du003d

Informações gerais
Year of fabrication: 2011
Campo de aplicação: Construção
Material aplicável: Asfalto
Series number: CATAP655CGNN00246

Brand of engine: Caterpillar C6.6

Largura de trabalho: 700 cm

Estado geral: muito bom
Technical level: very good
Aspeto visual: great bom

Informações adicionais
Contact Kick Hogeboom or Kick Hogeboom for more information

u003du003d Дополнительная информация (RU) u003du003d

Общая информация
Date published: 2011
Область применения: Строительство
Main material: Asfalt
Series number: CATAP655CGNN00246

Силовая линия
Engine brand: Caterpillar C6.6

Рабочая ширина: 700 cm

Общее состояние: очень хорошее
Техническое состояние: очень хорошее
Внешнее состояние: очень хорошее

Double information
Read Kick Hogeboom or Kick Hogeboom for additional information

Selling Company/Dealer

HB Trucks & Equipment BV
DT Roelofarendsveen 2371 | The Netherlands
Member since: 2022