Liebherr Attachments L566 L576 L580
Last updated: 26.04.2024
Forklift ID: 78426b82/72489
2,575 GBP
Price excl. VAT
Dealer price
Ready to use and fully operational

Machine Data

Make Liebherr

Type Attachments

Model L566 L576 L580

Serial N° 140824-01-01

Engine type Diesel

Year 2014

Running hours n/a

More information

Location Gościcino

Extra comments

Przedmiotem sprzedaży jest - łyżka załadunkowa do materiałów lekkich produkcji KSW Maschinenbau GmbH


Cena sprzedaży : 13 000 PLN Netto


Zapraszam do oglądania po wcześniejszym umówieniu się !!!
Więcej informacji pod numerem telefonu 604286125


Dane techniczne

Marka: KSW Maschinenbau GmbH
Numer fabryczny: 140824-01-01
Model: LS
Rok produkcji: 03/2014
Przeznaczenie: L-566
Szerokość: 3500mm
Pojemność: 8,5cbm
Waga: 2970 kg


Zapraszam do oglądania po wcześniejszym umówieniu się !!!
Więcej informacji pod numerem telefonu 604286125


Zainteresowanych proszę o kontakt :

Kuba 607355953
Darek 604286125


Zobacz więcej maszyn na Naszych stronach WWW -



*Niniejsze ogłoszenie jest wyłącznie informacja handlową i nie stanowi oferty w myśl art. 66, paragraf 1. Kodeksu Cywilnego. Sprzedający nie odpowiada za ewentualne błędy lub nieaktualność ogłoszenia. Opisy pochodzą z maszyn / sprzętu / aut po ich oględzinach i mimo staranności przy ich dodawaniu mogą zawierać błędy.
Opisy oraz zdjęcia nie są więc podstawą do roszczeń wobec WEJTECH.
*„Zdjęcia są własnością firmy WEJTECH w Wejherowie i podlegają ochronie przewidzianej przepisami ustawy z dnia 4 lutego 1994 r. o prawie autorskim i prawach pokrewnych.


The subject of the sale is - a loading bucket for light materials manufactured by KSW Maschinenbau GmbH


Sales price: 13,000 PLN net


I invite you to watch by appointment !!!
For more information, call 604 286 125


Technical data

Brand: KSW Maschinenbau GmbH
Manufacturing number: 140824-01-01
Model: LS
Year of production: 03/2014
Purpose: L-566
Width: 3500mm
Capacity: 8.5cbm
Weight: 2970 kg


I invite you to watch by appointment !!!
For more information, call 604 286 125


Interested please contact :

Cuba 607355953
Darek 604286125


See more machines on our website -



* This announcement is only commercial information and does not constitute an offer in accordance with art. 66, paragraph 1 of the Civil Code. The seller is not responsible for any errors or out-of-date advertisements. Descriptions come from the machines / equipment / cars after their inspection and despite the care in adding them, they may contain errors.
Descriptions and photos are therefore not the basis for claims against WEJTECH.
* "The photos are the property of the WEJTECH company in Wejherowo and are protected by the provisions of the Act of 4 February 1994 on copyright and related rights.

(Message Translation):
The subject of the sale is - a loading bucket for light materials produced by KSW Maschinenbau GmbH


Sale price: PLN 13,000 net


I invite you to watch after making an appointment!!!
For more information, call 604286125


Technical data

Brand: KSW Maschinenbau GmbH
Serial number: 140824-01-01
Model: LS
Year of manufacture: 03/2014
Purpose: L-566
Width: 3500mm
Capacity: 8.5cbm
Weight: 2970 kg


I invite you to watch after making an appointment!!!
For more information, call 604286125


Interested please contact :

Cuba 607355953
Darek 604286125


See more machines on our website -



* This announcement is only commercial information and does not constitute an offer pursuant to art. 66, paragraph 1 of the Civil Code. The seller is not responsible for any errors or outdated advertisements. Descriptions come from machines / equipment / cars after their inspection and despite the care when adding them, they may contain errors.
Descriptions and photos are therefore not the basis for claims against WEJTECH.
*"The photos are the property of the WEJTECH company in Wejherowo and are protected by the provisions of the Act of February 4, 1994 on copyright and related rights.

-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------------------------

The subject of the sale is - a loading bucket for light materials manufactured by KSW Maschinenbau GmbH


Sales price: PLN 13,000 net


I invite you to watch by appointment !!!
For more information, call 604 286 125


technical date

Brand: KSW Maschinenbau GmbH
Manufacturing number: 140824-01-01
Model: LS
Year of production: 03/2014
Purpose: L-566
Width: 3500mm
Capacity: 8.5cbm
Weight: 2970 kg


I invite you to watch by appointment !!!
For more information, call 604 286 125


Interested please contact:

Cuba 607355953
Darek 604286125


See more machines on our website -



* This announcement is only commercial information and does not constitute an offer in accordance with art. 66, paragraph 1 of the Civil Code. The seller is not responsible for any errors or out-of-date advertisements. Descriptions come from the machines / equipment / cars after their inspection and despite the care in adding them, they may contain errors.
Descriptions and photos are therefore not the basis for claims against WEJTECH.
* "The photos are the property of the WEJTECH company in Wejherowo and are protected by the provisions of the Act of 4 February 1994 on copyright and related rights.

Selling Company/Dealer

Gościcino 84-241 | Poland
Member since: 2022

Stefan Gustkowicz Languages: Polski / Angielski